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Microsoft Security Response Center Blog


Thursday, August 14, 2008

The sniper Normal fuzzing is like shooting a machine gun in the dark and having no idea where the target is. You might hit the target a number of times, but you also miss an awful lot, and it takes a lot of rounds. Using targeted fuzzing, on the other hand, is a bit like a sniper observing the targets and picking them off one by one.

MS08-049 : When kind of authentication is needed?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

MS08-049 is an update for the Windows Event System service to correct an authenticated elevation-of-privilege vulnerability. We received a question via email yesterday about the type of authentication needed to exploit CVE-2008-1456. Our security bulletin was a little ambiguous with one reference to “logon credentials” and another to “domain credentials”. The email question was from an IT security manager who wondered whether his hardened servers could be compromised remotely.

August 2008 Monthly Bulletin Release

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hello again! This is Tami Gallupe (MSRC Release Manager) and I want to let you know that we just posted our August 2008 Bulletins. This month we released 11 bulletins, one new advisory and revised an existing advisory. We also revised four bulletins to update detection changes. Here is a brief overview of the bulletins and other content we released today.

MS08-041 : The Microsoft Access Snapshot Viewer ActiveX control

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

MS08-041 fixes a vulnerability in the Microsoft Access Snapshot Viewer ActiveX control. It’s an interesting vulnerability so we wanted to go into more detail about platforms at reduced risk and also more about the servicing strategy for this vulnerability. Windows Vista at reduced risk? We first heard about this vulnerability from customers sending in reports of active attacks.

MS08-042 : Understanding and detecting a specific Word vulnerability

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A few weeks ago we posted a blog entry titled “How to parse the .doc file format”. Today’s blog post will show you how to use that information to check whether a .doc file is specially crafted to exploit MS08-042, one of the vulnerabilities addressed by today’s security updates. This particular vulnerability is being exploited out in the real world so we believe the benefits of releasing more information about it to help the defenders outweighs the risk of attackers learning more about the already-public vulnerability.

MS08-043 : How to prevent this information disclosure vulnerability

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

In this month’s update for Excel we addressed an interesting CVE (CVE-2008-3003) – the first vulnerability to affect the new Open XML file format (but it doesn’t result in code execution). This is an information disclosure vulnerability that can arise when a user makes a data connection from Excel to a remote data source and checks a checkbox to have Excel NOT save the password used in that connection to the file.

MS08-050 : Locking an ActiveX control to specific applications.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

MS08-050 concerns an ActiveX control that can be maliciously scripted to leak out personal information such as email addresses. There appeared to be no need for the control to have this behaviour so giving it a Kill-Bit seemed the correct approach to take. During the extensive testing that each security update undergoes, however, it became apparent that the Kill-Bit wasn’t ideal as it partially broke the Remote Assistance application.

Leaving Las Vegas: A Black Hat Salute

Friday, August 08, 2008

Handle: The Crushman IRL: Andrew Cushman Rank: Security Director Likes: Cranberry juice (thanks Jay!) Dislikes: Super helpful hotel desk clerks (thanks Raoul?) What can I say? Once again, Black Hat did not disappoint. And that’s not just post-party speak. The conversations were good, the input was invaluable, and the support for the new programs we launched—well, it’s been overwhelming.

August 2008 Advance Notification

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Hello, This is Christopher Budd. While some of us are down at Black Hat this week, meeting with customers and researchers and announcing exciting new programs, today is also the Thursday before the second Tuesday in August. That means we’ve just posted this month’s Advance Notification for next week’s bulletin release, which will occur on Tuesday, August 12, 2008 around 10 a.

Threats in a Blender, and Other Raisons d'être

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Handle: k8e IRL: Katie Moussouris Rank: Senior Security Program Manager Likes: Cool vulns (responsibly disclosed of course), girls with soldering irons, Spanish tapas, quantum teleportation Dislikes: Rudeness, socks-n-sandals, licorice There are times when one must look toward the best interests of the customers above any competitive strategies. Security is one of those themes that has the power to unite teams across company boundaries.