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August 2008 Monthly Bulletin Release

Hello again! This is Tami Gallupe (MSRC Release Manager) and I want to let you know that we just posted our August 2008 Bulletins. This month we released 11 bulletins, one new advisory and revised an existing advisory. We also revised four bulletins to update detection changes. Here is a brief overview of the bulletins and other content we released today.

You may notice that we removed one of the bulletins that we had mentioned in the “Advanced Notification Service” that we released last week. We did this prior to today’s bulletin release because of a last minute quality issue. Microsoft has heard from customers that the quality of updates is very important and, as part of the process at the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC), Microsoft tests these updates continuously until they are ready for distribution to customers through our regularly scheduled security bulletin release.


· MS08-041 – Vulnerability in the ActiveX Control for the Snapshot Viewer for Microsoft Access Could Allow Remote Code Execution (955617) – Critical

· MS08-042 – Vulnerability in Microsoft Word Could Allow Remote Code Execution (955048) – Important

· MS08-043 – Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Excel Could Allow Remote Code Execution (954066) – Critical

· MS08-044 – Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office Filters Could Allow Remote Code Execution (924090) – Critical

· MS08-045 – Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (953838) – Critical

· MS08-046 – Vulnerability in Microsoft Windows Image Color Management System Could Allow Remote Code Execution (952954) – Critical

· MS08-047 – Vulnerability in IPsec Policy Processing Could Allow Information Disclosure (953733) – Important

· MS08-048 – Security Update for Outlook Express and Windows Mail (951066) – Important

· MS08-049 – Vulnerabilities in Event System Could Allow Remote Code Execution (950974) – Important

· MS08-050 – Vulnerability in Windows Messenger Could Allow Information Disclosure (955702) – Important

· MS08-051 – Vulnerabilities in Microsoft PowerPoint Could Allow Remote Code Execution (949785) – Critical

We also revised the following bulletins to update detection changes

· MS08-022 – major revision, added XP SP3 detection

· MS08-033 – major revision, added XP SP3 detection

· MS07-047 – major revision, update detection

· MS08-040 – minor revision, update detection


· Release Advisory 955179

· Revised Advisory 954960

You can also read about this month’s Security Vulnerability Research & Defense blog at

And finally, I also want to highlight my favorite event of the release: the webcast that starts tomorrow (Wednesday, August 13th) at 11:00 AM PST. To me this is a wonderful event that gives us a chance to hear from you, to take your questions and answer them live, on the air. Click here to register for TechNet Webcast: Information About Microsoft August Security Bulletins. We look forward to hearing from you tomorrow.



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