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BlueHat Seattle videos are online!

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Were you unable to attend BlueHat Seattle, or wanted to see a session again? We have good news. If you have been waiting for the videos from BlueHat Seattle last month, the wait is over. All videos which the presenter authorized to be recorded are now online and available to anyone.

Time for day 2 of briefings at BlueHat Seattle!

Friday, October 25, 2019

We hope you enjoyed the first day of our BlueHat briefings and the Bytes of BlueHat reception in our glamping tent (complete with toasted marshmallows). Yesterday, we learned a lot about how XboxOne hardware security has advanced the state of hardware security elsewhere, we heard some surprising correlations between vuln severity, age, and time to fix, and we saw applications for machine learning for malware detection—as well as some of the attack surface for machine learning and how to protect it.

Calling all breakers & builders: BlueHat Seattle registration is open!

Monday, September 16, 2019

Exciting changes are coming to BlueHat Seattle 2019! If you’d like to attend this premier security conference, we have good news for you: registration for BlueHat Seattle is now open and we hope you register. Wait, isn’t BlueHat invitation-only? It is…but if we haven’t sent you an invitation, we encourage you to request a seat.