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Microsoft Security Response Center Blog

Microsoft Security Advisory 973882, Microsoft Security Bulletins MS09-034 and MS09-035 Released

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Today, we’re releasing guidance and security updates to help better protect customers from responsibly reported security vulnerabilities discovered in the Microsoft Active Template Library (ATL). Because libraries function as building blocks that can be used to build software, vulnerabilities in software libraries can be complex issues and benefit from what we call community based defense – broad collaboration and action from Microsoft, the security community and industry.

MSVIDCTL (MS09-032) and the ATL vulnerability

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Today we have released Security Advisory 973882 that describes vulnerabilities in the Microsoft Active Template Library (ATL), as well as security updates for Internet Explorer (MS09-034) and Visual Studio (MS09-035). The Visual Studio update addresses several vulnerabilities in the public versions of the ATL headers and libraries. The IE update contains two defense in depth mitigations to help prevent exploitation of the ATL vulnerabilities described in Security Advisory 973882 and MS09-035 (the IE updates contains additional security fixes that are not related to the ATL issue).

Overview of the out-of-band release

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Today we released Security Advisory 973882 and with it, two out-of-band security bulletins. These updates are MS09-034 (an Internet Explorer update) and MS09-035 (a Visual Studio update). At this time _for customers who have applied _ MS09-032_ we are not aware of any “in the wild” exploits that leverage the vulnerabilities documented in 973882 and MS09-035_.

Black Hat USA Spotlight: ATL Killbit Bypass

Monday, July 27, 2009

There are only a few days left before Black Hat USA, and we, like most other speakers, are in the midst of the last-minute push to have all the materials finalized in time for our presentation. Our presentation this year, “The Language of Trust,” features a lot of material related to attacking software interoperability layers, and focuses on Web browsers as case studies.

Community Based Defense - Redux

Monday, July 27, 2009

Handle: The Crushman IRL: Andrew Cushman Rank: Security Director Likes: Cranberry juice (thanks Jay!) Dislikes: Super helpful hotel desk clerks (thanks Raoul?) OMG it’s great to be back in Vegas again – the shows, the shopping, the nightlife, and let’s not forget the talks at Black Hat, the old and new friends, the excitement and the drama.

Threat Complexity Requires New Levels of Collaboration

Monday, July 27, 2009

When complex security issues that affect multiple vendors arise, calling them “challenging” is an understatement. We created the Microsoft Vulnerability Research Program (MSVR) to meet those challenges, learn from those experiences and strengthen the ties of our community of defenders across the industry in the process. As the state of software security matures beyond straightforward issues such as buffer overflows and elevation of privilege, we are working diligently towards a new level of cross-industry collaboration on a scale never seen before.

The year-end review – well, sort of :)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Handle: Cap’n Steve IRL: Steve Adegbite Rank: Senior Security Program Manager Lead Likes: Reverse Engineering an obscene amount of code and ripping it up on a snowboard Dislikes: Not much but if you hear me growl…run Hey! It’s that time of year again for all of us to pack up and head out to the desert to reconnect, discuss, and plan for the future, or at least what we think will be the future of security.

The Microsoft Security Community Videos: Through the Looking Glass

Friday, July 24, 2009

Handle: EcoStrat’s All-Stars IRL: TwC Security All-Star Guest Bloggers Likes: Security, Vulnerability Research & Science, Defense and Responsible Disclosure Dislikes: 0-day, FUD Take a gander as Billy Rios, Security Engineer, Business Online Services, and Bryan Sullivan, Senior Security Program Manager, Secure Development Lifecycle (SDL), discuss their experiences with the security community both inside and outside of Microsoft.

Black Hat USA: Hoping what happens in Vegas doesn’t actually stay in Vegas…

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

** Handle:** Security Blanki IRL: Sarah Blankinship Rank: Senior Security Strategist Lead Likes: Vuln wrangling, teams of rivals, global climate change - the hotter the better Dislikes: Slack jawed gawkers (girls are geeks too!), customers @ risk, egos This week our team is preparing to travel to Black Hat USA in Las Vegas Nevada, a hotspot (literally and figuratively), and one of the largest gatherings of security professionals in the world.