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BlueHat Shanghai 2019 Call for Papers is Now Open!

Thursday, February 14, 2019

We know security experts with diverse skills and experiences are found around the world. This year, the BlueHat Security Conference is coming to Shanghai! BlueHat Shanghai 2019 will take place on May 29-30 at W Shanghai - The Bund. We want to provide a venue for security researchers to come together to learn and share information, innovations, best practices and actionable items, as well as to engage in a rich conversation about security.

BlueHat v18 Content Now Available

Friday, October 26, 2018

Last month we wrapped up another great BlueHat event. As an organizer, it is great to hear that the content is so strong that we have participants have to make hard choices on what to attend. BlueHat is about the community we build and the experiences we share. To further support that we are making slides and videos of presentations available publicly.

Behind BlueHat: The Art

Monday, September 24, 2018

We are just one day away from the opening of BlueHat v18 and excitement is building. One of the questions that I have gotten more frequently the past couple years is about the artwork we use for BlueHat. So yes there is a theme. 😊 Starting in 2014, we introduced the Top Hat logo which the community took to.

Announcing the BlueHat v18 Schedule

Thursday, August 02, 2018

Where did the summer go? This year the BlueHat Security Conference moved forward in the schedule to late September. Next year it will settle into a steady orbit of early October moving forward. With that change in schedule, it is hard to believe that it is time to reveal the schedule for BlueHat v18.

BlueHat v18 Announced & Call for Papers Opens

Friday, May 04, 2018

We are back! Microsoft is excited to announce the next installment of the BlueHat Security Conference – BlueHat v18. We will be holding the event at Microsoft’s headquarter campus September 25-27, 2018. This year we are adding the option for workshops and networking on the first day prior to the content beginning.

Announcing the BlueHat v17 Schedule

Friday, September 01, 2017

September is here! The dash from the close of the call for papers to now has been amazing. We had nearly two hundred submissions spanning the gamut of security topics and presenters. The result is a solid schedule that will challenge and educate all attendees. On behalf of the content advisory board, I want to thank everyone who submitted a paper for consideration.

BlueHat v17 Call for Papers Opens

Thursday, June 01, 2017

Calling security professionals and enthusiasts throughout the world. Microsoft is pleased to open the Call for Papers for our BlueHat v17 Security Conference. Potential speakers have from June 1st through August 18th to submit abstract proposals for this unique opportunity. As in past events, we are looking for individuals to challenge the thinking and actions we do in security as well as join the community discussion on the current threat landscape that is impacting our customers.

Microsoft BlueHat v17 Dates Announced - Update 4/3/2017

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Update - The Call For Papers (CFP) for BlueHat v17 will be held from 6/1/2017 - 8/18/2017. We will be setting up a submissions portal for web based submissions of papers. The portal will be live on 6/1/2017. Please do not send submissions to Microsoft is pleased to announce that the dates for BlueHat v17 have been set for November 8-9, 2017, here in Redmond, WA USA.

BlueHat v16 Keynote announced

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Microsoft is excited to announce David Kennedy, CEO of TrustedSec and Binary Defense Systems, as the BlueHat v16 keynote speaker. David is a well-known speaker from the community, a published author, and the founder of the DerbyCon Security Conference. His keynote, entitled “The Security Monty Python and the Holy Grail”, will open the general conference this Thursday.

BlueHat IL 2017 Announced

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Microsoft is thrilled to announce BlueHat IL 2017. This will mark the first time BlueHat is held in Tel Aviv and it will take place on January 24-25, 2017. Given its location, Israel further serves as a harness which draws in researchers from across Europe, Asia and the Middle East.