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MS07-065 - The case of the significant suffix

Thursday, December 27, 2007

MS07-065 fixed a vulnerability in the Message Queueing service. On Windows 2000, a remote anonymous attacker could use this vulnerability to run code as local system on unpatched machines. Windows XP added defense-in-depth hardening to disallow remote access for this service that does not need to be exposed remotely. So on Windows XP, the attacker must be logged on locally on the box.

Welcome to the new Microsoft Security Vulnerability Research and Defense blog!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

We are excited to have this outlet to share more in-depth technical information about vulnerabilities serviced by MSRC security updates and ways you can protect your organization from security vulnerabilities. You can read much more about the goals of the blog and about the SWI teams contributing to the blog in our “About” link: http://blogs.