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Additional Fixes in Microsoft Security Bulletins

Monday, February 14, 2011

From time to time we receive questions regarding fixes not documented in security bulletins. Some call these “silent fixes.” We hope this blog post answers those questions and helps clarify Microsoft’s process in fixing and documenting all vulnerabilities and addressing internally discovered variants. It’s important to remember the following: As part of Microsoft’s comprehensive security update process, Microsoft will address variants of reported issues.

Assessing the risk of the February security updates

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Today we released twelve security bulletins. Three have a maximum severity rating of Critical and nine have a maximum severity rating of Important. This release addresses three publicly disclosed vulnerabilities. We hope that the table below helps you prioritize the deployment of the updates appropriately for your environment. Bulletin Most likely attack vector Max Bulletin Severity Max Exploit-ability Likely first 30 days impact Platform mitigations and key notes MS11-003(IE) Victim browses to a malicious webpage.

More information about the MHTML Script Injection vulnerability

Friday, January 28, 2011

Today we released Security Advisory 2501696 to alert customers to a publicly disclosed vulnerability in the MHTML protocol handler. This vulnerability could allow attackers to construct malicious links pointing to HTML documents that, when clicked, would render the targeted document and reflected script in the security context of the user and target location.

New workaround included in Security Advisory 2488013

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

We have just updated Security Advisory 2488013 for the publicly-disclosed Internet Explorer CSS vulnerability. It now reflects the fact that limited attacks attempting to exploit this vulnerability are present in-the-wild. The advisory also includes a new workaround that can help protect your computers until a security update is available. This workaround is different from the workarounds that we typically recommend, and so we wanted to give you more detail about it here.

New Internet Explorer vulnerability affecting all versions of IE

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Today we released Security Advisory 2488013 to notify customers of a new publicly-disclosed vulnerability in Internet Explorer (IE). This vulnerability affects all versions of IE. Exploiting this vulnerability could lead to unauthorized remote code execution inside the iexplore.exe process. Proof-of-concept exploit bypasses ASLR and DEP The Metasploit project recently published an exploit for this vulnerability using a known technique to evade ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization) and bypass DEP (Data Execution Prevention).

Assessing the risk of the December security updates

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Today we released seventeen security bulletins. Two have a maximum severity rating of Critical, fourteen have a maximum severity rating of Important, and one has a maximum severity rating of Moderate. We hope that the table below helps you prioritize the deployment of the updates appropriately for your environment. Bulletin Most likely attack vector Max Bulletin Severity Max Exploit-ability Likely first 30 days impact Platform mitigations and key notes MS10-090(IE) Victim browses to a malicious webpage.

MS10-104: SharePoint 2007 Vulnerability

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Today we released MS10-104 to address vulnerability CVE-2010-3964 in SharePoint 2007 server with an important severity rating. In this blog, we would like to cover some additional details of this vulnerability. Is my SharePoint server affected by this vulnerability? There are two types of installations for a SharePoint server: standalone and farm.