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Update on Security Advisory 981374

Hi everyone,

I’m writing to let you know that we have updated Security Advisory 981374 with new workaround information. We are aware that exploit code has been made public for this issue. As with our last update, Internet Explorer 8 remains unaffected by the vulnerability addressed in the advisory and we continue to encourage all customers to upgrade to this version.

On Wednesday we added a workaround to the advisory that helps to mitigate the vulnerability by disabling the peer factory class through the modification of a registry key. With today’s update, we have added a Microsoft Fix It to automate this workaround for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 customers. As always, customers should test this thoroughly before deploying as certain functionality that depends on the peer factory class, such as printing from Internet Explorer and the use of web folders, may be affected.

We have seen speculation that Microsoft might release an update for this issue out-of-band. I can tell you that we are working hard to produce an update which is now in testing. This is a critical and time intensive step of the process as the update must be tested against affected versions of Internet Explorer on all supported versions of Windows. Additionally, each supported language version needs to be tested as well as testing against thousands of third party applications. We never rule out the possibility of an out-of-band update. When the update is ready for broad distribution, we will make that decision based on customer needs.

Please review the advisory for more information. We will keep you posted as additional information becomes available.

Jerry Bryant
Sr. Security Communications Manager Lead

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