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Good Things Come in Blue Packages

Hello everyone, Celene Temkin here from the MSRC Ecosystem Strategy Team. BlueHat v8: C3P0wned ended a month ago and the success of the con lives on in the outstanding training and networking done between Microsoft employees and external speakers and guests. I’m happy to say the speaker video interviews, podcasts, anecdotes and archives are live on the BlueHat TechNet Page. As promised, we recorded all of Day Two’s presentations and we’ve published them on TechNet for the first time publicly for all to enjoy–so grab your popcorn, ‘fluffi bunni’ slippers and get to viewing!

As you know by now, Day One sessions were a hybrid of content from in-depth technical security issues to innovative techniques and best practices to use in the information security realm. Day Two focused on the SDL where the Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) team hosted sessions emphasizing secure development and testing practices, as well as how to develop with security in mind from the beginning of the software development lifecycle. The BlueHat SDL sessions focused more on proactive and secure development strategies and less on attack techniques.

Notable keynotes included Jon DeVaan, opening the conference on Day One discussing how BlueHat focuses on security and privacy issues facing the entire ecosystem; Day Two was kicked off by Scott Charney, who discussed how to leverage the SDL to discuss not just the threats, but implementing engineering solutions.

Mark your calendars! The next BlueHat is October 22-23, 2009. See you all there.

-Celene Temkin

BlueHat Project Manager

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