to report a vulnerability in a Microsoft product or service. You can track the status of your report as we work with you to investigate and resolve the issue.

Not sure? Check out MSRC'sdefinition of a security vulnerability

Microsoft follows Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure (CVD). We request that you follow these guidelines to help us protect customers and the ecosystem from harm.

Is this your first time reporting to the MSRC? Want to learn more about our case process? Visit our MSRC Researcher Resource Center to watch the Researcher Onboarding Video to learn about the Rules of Engagement, case process, available rewards through the Bounty Program, recognition points and leaderboards, and our disclosure process.

To check if your findings are eligible for reward, please review MSRC's Bug Bounty Programs and Terms and Conditions.

For general information and answers to frequently asked questions, please visit our FAQs.

If you are here to report abuse or a privacy issue originating from a Microsoft-hosted site or service, please go to our Abuse form to report the issue to our CERT.