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Watering Hole Why it’s all about building bridges

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Handle: Cluster IRL: Maarten Van Horenbeeck Rank: Senior Program Manager Likes: Slicing covert channels, foraging in remote memory pools, and setting off page faults Dislikes: The crackling sound of crypto breaking, warm vodka martni “We want to remain what we are” (“Mir wëlle bleiwe wat mir sinn”) is the national motto of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

Something Old, Something New, True Blue

Friday, October 15, 2010

This year marks the tenth BlueHat at Microsoft, and my sixth round in participating in the event that has been so instrumental in keeping Microsoft developers and executives in touch with the pulse of security research outside Microsoft, and serves as one of the key crossroads for the exchange of ideas from our internal security experts to the outside world.

BlueHat v10 Shipping!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Handle: Silver Surfer IRL: Mike Reavey Rank: Director, MSRC Likes: Warm weather, Battlestar Galactica, and responsibly reported vulnerabilities Dislikes: Rain, Rain without end, Clouds with potential for rain, reality TV, and unpatched vulns I’m here playing MC at the tenth edition (!!!) of the BlueHat Security Briefings on the Microsoft Campus in Redmond.

Announcing BlueHat v10: A Security Odyssey

Friday, September 10, 2010

BlueHat v10 is on the horizon and I’m happy to be able to announce the lineup. This year we’ll be hosting our annual conference on October 13-15 at the Microsoft campus here in Redmond and, with the success of last year’s con, we’re working overtime to make it the most robust, top-notch BlueHat yet.

Thank you Buenos Aires!

Monday, April 05, 2010

Handle: C-Lizzle IRL: Celene Temkin Rank: Program Manager 2 & BlueHat Project Manager Likes: Culinary warfare, BlueHat hackers and responsible disclosure Dislikes: Acts of hubris, MySpace, orange mocha Frappaccinos! Hey Everyone, As I’m sure you are all well aware by now, the second installment of the BlueHat Security Forum: Buenos Argentina Edition shipped on March 18, 2010, and was a resounding success.

Hacker Olympics: a shout-out from Vancouver, BC!

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Handle: Cluster IRL: Maarten Van Horenbeeck Rank: Senior Program Manager Likes: Slicing covert channels, foraging in remote memory pools, and setting off page faults Dislikes: The crackling sound of crypto breaking, warm vodka martni Handle: Mando Picker IRL: Dustin Childs Rank: Security Program Manager Likes: Protecting customers, working with security researchers, second Tuesdays, bourbon, mandolins

BlueHat Security Forum: Buenos Aires Edition--Shipping!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Handle: Silver Surfer IRL: Mike Reavey Rank: Director, MSRC Likes: Warm weather, Battlestar Galactica, and responsibly reported vulnerabilities Dislikes: Rain, Rain without end, Clouds with potential for rain, reality TV, and unpatched vulns I’m here at the second edition of the BlueHat Security Forum, this time in Buenos Aires. So far it is shaping up to be an immensely successful event.

Snowpacalypse Now (I love the smell of briefings in the morning)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Handle: Avatar IRL: Karl Hanmore Rank: Senior Security Strategist (aka Sergeant Grunt) Likes: Getting the job done, bringing the fight to the bad guys, good single malt whiskey Dislikes: Cowards, talkers not doers, red tape, humidity Handle: Mando Picker IRL: Dustin Childs Rank: Security Program Manager Likes: Protecting customers, working with security researchers, second Tuesdays, bourbon, mandolins

BlueHat Security Forum: Buenos Aires Edition

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Handle: C-Lizzle IRL: Celene Temkin Rank: Program Manager 2 & BlueHat Project Manager Likes: Culinary warfare, BlueHat hackers and responsible disclosure Dislikes: Acts of hubris, MySpace, orange mocha Frappaccinos! Hey Everyone! What speaks English, Portuguese and Spanish, has a hundred set of eyes, and battles in the defense of good against evil on a daily basis?

BlueHat v9 Brings the Looking Glass To You...

Friday, December 11, 2009

Handle: C-Lizzle IRL: Celene Temkin Rank: Program Manager 2 & BlueHat Project Manager Likes: Culinary warfare, BlueHat hackers and responsible disclosure Dislikes: Acts of hubris, MySpace, orange mocha Frappaccinos! Celene here from the MSRC Ecosystem Strategy Team. BlueHat v9: Through The Looking Glass ended just over a month ago and the success of the con lives on due to the outstanding training and networking between Microsoft employees, external speakers, and guests.