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Security Conference Engagement

Announcing BlueHat v15 Conference

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

We are happy to announce the 15th version of the Microsoft BlueHat Security Conference set for January 12-13, 2016. The annual security conference brings internal and external speakers to educate and engage Microsoft’s engineering community and their executives. Work is under way currently to set the schedule for this event. Attendance at BlueHat is open to Microsoft full time employees, contingent staff, and invited researchers, luminaries, partners, and customers.

Preparing for Live Pwnage: Mitigation Bypass Bounty Machine Specs for Black Hat

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

With about one week to go before we all gather at Black Hat in Las Vegas, we’re getting inquiries about precisely how the promised Live Mitigation Bypass Bounty judging at Black Hat will work. For most of the world, it works best when you get a good spot at the Microsoft booth (#301) around noon each day, so you can clearly see the excitement as some of security’s best and brightest look to pop built-in Windows 8. Why it’s all about building bridges

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Handle: Cluster IRL: Maarten Van Horenbeeck Rank: Senior Program Manager Likes: Slicing covert channels, foraging in remote memory pools, and setting off page faults Dislikes: The crackling sound of crypto breaking, warm vodka martni “We want to remain what we are” (“Mir wëlle bleiwe wat mir sinn”) is the national motto of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

Something Old, Something New, True Blue

Friday, October 15, 2010

This year marks the tenth BlueHat at Microsoft, and my sixth round in participating in the event that has been so instrumental in keeping Microsoft developers and executives in touch with the pulse of security research outside Microsoft, and serves as one of the key crossroads for the exchange of ideas from our internal security experts to the outside world.

BlueHat v10 Shipping!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Handle: Silver Surfer IRL: Mike Reavey Rank: Director, MSRC Likes: Warm weather, Battlestar Galactica, and responsibly reported vulnerabilities Dislikes: Rain, Rain without end, Clouds with potential for rain, reality TV, and unpatched vulns I’m here playing MC at the tenth edition (!!!) of the BlueHat Security Briefings on the Microsoft Campus in Redmond.

The Rapidly Evolving Exploitation Playground

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Hey there, Vincenzo and Fermin here! Next week we will be giving two talks at BlueHat. Vincenzo will be talking with Tim Kornau, Ralf Philipp Weinmann, and Thomas Dullien, about return-oriented programming and how to automate the creation of ROP payloads. Also, Fermin and Andrew Roths will be talking about EMET and how it can prevent the successful exploitation of vulnerabilities.

Announcing BlueHat v10: A Security Odyssey

Friday, September 10, 2010

BlueHat v10 is on the horizon and I’m happy to be able to announce the lineup. This year we’ll be hosting our annual conference on October 13-15 at the Microsoft campus here in Redmond and, with the success of last year’s con, we’re working overtime to make it the most robust, top-notch BlueHat yet.

MAPP – An Insider's view

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Intro Matt Watchinski here, Senior Director, Sourcefire Vulnerability Research Team (VRT). It’s that time of year again. The mercury is soaring above 100F, and I am crammed onto a “flying bus” heading out to Las Vegas to attend this year’s iteration of the Black Hat and DEF CON conferences. Something about this tradition always leads me to reflect on how the security space has evolved over the years.

May You Live in Interesting Times

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Handle: StoneZ IRL: Adrian Stone Rank: Senior Security Program Manager Lead Likes: Predictive Analytics, Game Theory, Databases, Sports Cars, NFL Football, Direct People Dislikes: Losing, Liars, Posers, No Talent Clowns It was two years ago at Black Hat that my colleague Katie Moussouris announced the launch of the Microsoft Vulnerability Research (MSVR) program.

The EMET 2.0 Training Video has arrived!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hey there, I’m pleased to announce that the BlueHat team has partnered with the dynamic Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) Engineering duo of Andrew Roths and Fermin J. Serna on a training video previewing the new release, version 2.0, of the Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET). This training video is currently live on the BlueHat site and available for consumption on your own viewing timetable.