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March 2013 Security Bulletin Webcast, Q&A, and Slide Deck

Friday, March 15, 2013

Today we’re publishing the March 2013 Security Bulletin Webcast Questions & Answers page. We fielded 13 questions on various topics during the webcast, with specific bulletin questions focusing primarily on Internet Explorer (MS13-021), SharePoint (MS13-024) and the update for Kernel-Mode Drivers in MS13-027. There were six additional questions during the webcast that we were unable to answer on air, and we have also answered those on the Q&A page.

Evolving Response and the March 2013 Bulletin Release

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

As my career in security response has grown over the years, I am often reminded of the words of Italian author Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa, who stated, “If we want everything to remain as it is, it will be necessary for everything to change.” There are some things that we wish to stay the same.

Advance Notification Service for March 2013 Security Bulletin Release

Thursday, March 07, 2013

Today we’re providing advance notification for the release of seven bulletins, four Critical and three Important, for March 2013. The Critical bulletins address vulnerabilities in Microsoft Silverlight, Internet Explorer, Office and Microsoft Server Software. The three Important-rated bulletins will address issues in Microsoft Windows and Office. As usual, we’ve scheduled the bulletin release for the second Tuesday of the month, March 12, 2013, at approximately 10:00 a.

Security Advisory 2755801 revised to address Adobe Flash Player issues (Feb. 26, 2013)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Today we revised Security Advisory 2755801 to address issues in Adobe Flash Player in Internet Explorer 10 on Windows 8. This advisory revision was released in conjunction with Adobe’s update process. Customers who have automatic updates enabled will not need to take any action because protections will be downloaded and installed automatically.

Baseball, Bulletins and the February 2013 Release

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Before we discuss this month’s release, I wanted to briefly touch on the big event happening this week. No, I’m not talking about the romantically-themed holiday on Thursday. I’m talking about the start of spring training and the return of baseball. There are a few things I am very passionate about and those who know me, know how much I love baseball.

Advance Notification Service for the February 2013 Security Bulletin Release

Thursday, February 07, 2013

We’re kicking off the February 2013 Security Bulletin Release with Advance Notification of 12 bulletins for release Tuesday, February 12. This release brings five Critical and seven Important-class bulletins, which address 57 unique vulnerabilities. The Critical-rated bulletins address issues in Microsoft Windows, Internet Explorer and Exchange Software. The Important-rated bulletins address issues in Microsoft Windows, Office, .

Security Advisory 2755801 revised to address Adobe Flash Player issues (Feb. 7, 2013)

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Today we revised Security Advisory 2755801 to address issues in Adobe Flash Player in Internet Explorer 10 on Windows 8, this revision was released in conjunction with Adobe’s update process. Customers who have automatic updates enabled will not need to take any action because protections will be downloaded and installed automatically.

MS13-008 Released for Security Advisory 2794220

Monday, January 14, 2013

Today, we released MS13-008 to address the issue described in Security Advisory 2794220. We’ve seen only a limited number of attacks through an issue in Internet Explorer 6-8, but the potential exists that more customers could be affected. The majority of customers have automatic updates enabled and will not need to take any action because protections will be downloaded and installed automatically.

Advance Notification for Update to Address Security Advisory 2794220

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Today, we are providing Advance Notification to customers that at approximately 10 a.m. PST on Monday, January 14, 2013, we will release an out-of-band security update to fully address the issue described in Security Advisory 2794220. While we have still seen only a limited number of customers affected by the issue, the potential exists that more customers could be affected in the future.