不正なデジタル証明書に関する新規アドバイザリ 2524375 を公開
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
本日、マイクロソフトは、不正なデジタル証明書に関する セキュリティ アドバイザリ 2524375 を公開しました。このア
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
本日、マイクロソフトは、不正なデジタル証明書に関する セキュリティ アドバイザリ 2524375 を公開しました。このア
Thursday, March 03, 2011
Hello all – Today, as part of our usual monthly bulletin cadence, we are providing our Advance Notification Service for March’s security bulletins. This month we’ll release three bulletins, one of them rated Critical and two rated Important, addressing issues in Microsoft Windows and Office. We’ll close four vulnerabilities with those bulletins.
Thursday, February 03, 2011
Hello all - Today, as part of our usual monthly bulletin cadence, we are providing our Advance Notification Service for February’s security bulletins. This month, we’ll release 12 bulletins, three of them rated Critical and nine rated Important, addressing issues in Microsoft Windows, Internet Explorer, Office, Visual Studio, and IIS. 22 issues will be addressed.
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
Hello - Today we released Security Advisory 2490606, which addresses a publicly disclosed vulnerability affecting Microsoft Windows Graphics Rendering Engine on Vista, Server 2003, and Windows XP. We are not aware of any affected customers, nor of any active attacks targeting customers. The vulnerability does not affect Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2, the newest versions of our operating system.
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Hi everyone, Today we released Security Advisory 2458511 to address a new vulnerability that could impact Internet Explorer users if they visit a website hosting malicious code. As of now, the impact of this vulnerability is extremely limited and we are not aware of any affected customers. The exploit code was discovered on a single website which is no longer hosting the malicious code.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Hi everyone - We’ve updated Microsoft Security Advisory2416728 to include a step in the workaround requiring the blocking of requests that specify the application error path on the querystring. This can be done using URLScan, a free tool for Internet Information Services (IIS) that can selectively block requests based on rules defined by the administrator.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Hi everyone - We’ve just updated Microsoft Security Advisory 2416728 as we’ve begun to see limited attacks with the ASP.NET vulnerability. We have added questions and answers and encourage customers to review this information and evaluate it for their environment. We have also added additional technical questions and answers to the Security and Defense blog, which has previously discussed the issue.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Hi everyone, Today we released Security Advisory 2416728 describing a publicly disclosed vulnerability in ASP.NET that affects all versions of the .NET Framework. At this time we are not aware of any attacks using this vulnerability and we encourage customers to review the advisory for mitigations and workarounds. Our Security Research & Defense team has written a blog post to explain how the workarounds work and have provided a script to help administrators determine if they have ASP.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Hi everyone, With this month’s bulletin release, I want to highlight the great work done through our partnerships in the Microsoft Active Protections Program (MAPP). MAPP represents our commitment to community based defense and a shared sense of responsibility to help protect the computing ecosystem. In July of this year, the Stuxnet malware emerged onto the threat landscape and resulted in the release of an out-of-band security update, MS10-046, to address a zero-day vulnerability the malware used to compromise systems.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Overview Today we released MicrosoftSecurity Advisory 2269637. This is different from other Microsoft Security Advisories because it’s not talking about specific vulnerabilities in Microsoft products. Rather, this is our official guidance in response to security research that has outlined a new, remote vector for a well-known class of vulnerabilities, known as DLL preloading or “binary planting” attacks.