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Microsoft Security Response Center Blog

There were dragons. Everywhere.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Handle: volty IRL: Joe Hemmerlein Rank: Security Grunt (aka Security Program Manager) Likes: Quality engineering, diverting things from their intended use, processes and tools Dislikes: Meat, speed limits, getting up in the morning Guten Morgen! Joe Hemmerlein hier vom Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC). I just returned from Germany earlier this month, where I spent some time mingling with security researchers.

January 2010 Out-of-Band Security Bulletin Webcast

Friday, January 22, 2010

Hello everyone, Yesterday Adrian Stone from the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) and I hosted a live webcast to discuss Security Bulletin MS10-002 and Security Advisory 979682 in more detail with customers. Below is the video of that presentation and you can find the question & answer transcript here. We spent over an hour answering customer questions during the webcast.

Out-of-Band Security Bulletin Webcast Q&A - January 21, 2010

Friday, January 22, 2010

Hosts: Adrian Stone, Senior Security Program Manager Lead Jerry Bryant, Senior Security Communications Manager Lead Website: TechNet/security Chat Topic: January 2010 Out-of-Band Security Bulletin Date: Thursday, January 21, 2010 Q: I understand the severity for workstaitons. Is the severity lower for servers in terms of this vulnerability, since most servers (except Terminal Servers) do not use IE?

Bulletin MS10-002 Released

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hello, Today we released Security Bulletin MS10-002 out-of-band to address vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer. All customers using currently supported versions of Windows and Internet Explorer should apply this update as soon as possible. Once applied, customers are protected against the known attacks that have been widely publicized. For customers using automatic updates, this update will automatically be applied once it is released.

Advance Notification for Out-of-Band Bulletin Release

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Today we issued our Advanced Notification Service (ANS) to advise customers that we will be releasing MS10-002 tomorrow, January 21st, 2010. We are planning to release the update as close to 10:00 a.m. PST (UTC -8) as possible. This is a standard cumulative update, accelerated from our regularly scheduled February release, for Internet Explorer with an aggregate severity rating of Critical.

Security Advisory 979682 Released

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Today we released Security Advisory 979682 to address an Elevation of Privilege (EoP) vulnerability in the Windows kernel, affecting all currently supported versions of 32-bit Windows. 64-bit versions of Windows, including Windows Server 2008 R2, are not affected. The advisory provides customers with actionable guidance to help with protections against exploit of this vulnerability.

Security Advisory 979352 – Going out of Band

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

We wanted to provide a quick update on the threat landscape and announce that we will release a security update out-of-band to help protect customers from this vulnerability. Based on our comprehensive monitoring of the threat landscape we continue to see very limited, and in some cases, targeted attacks. To date, the only successful attacks that we are aware of have been against Internet Explorer 6.

Additional information about DEP and the Internet Explorer 0day vulnerability

Monday, January 18, 2010

The new Internet Explorer security vulnerability described by Microsoft Security Advisory 979352 has received a lot of interest over the past few days. The Internet Explorer team is hard at work preparing a comprehensive security update to address the vulnerability and the MSRC announced today that as soon as the update is ready for broad distribution, it will be released.

Advisory 979352 Update for Monday January 18

Monday, January 18, 2010

For today’s update we want to share some insight on the current threat landscape for Security Advisory 979352, some new resources we have published and the current status on producing a security update. As we’ve previously reported, attacks remain targeted to a very limited number of corporations and are only effective against Internet Explorer 6.