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Microsoft Security Response Center Blog

New Security Advisory Posted

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Hi everyone, Stephen Toulouse here. Just wanted to make a note that this morning we have published a security advisory to note the availability of the Windows 2000 Update Rollup. Please review the security advisory and the associated documentation and KB articles provided with the rollup to get more information on this release.

New Security Advisory Posted

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Hey everyone, Mike Reavey here. I wanted to write a brief entry to let everyone know that we have posted a new security advisory today. The advisory describes information that was posted publicly involving Internet Explorer and can be found here: We’re not aware of any customer impact at this time, and the issue can be avoided with safe browsing practices.

New Security Advisory Posted

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Hi everyone, Debby Fry Wilson here. Just wanted to talk a little bit about a security advisory we have released today just as a precaution. There’s been a lot of concern about MS05-039 because of the recent attacks against unpatched Windows 2000 systems. On operating systems like Windows XP Service Pack 2 and Windows Server 2003, any attack trying to exploit MS05-039 would have to be local to the computer, and could not travel automatically across a network unless the attacker was already at the system.

A little bit about the Release Manager.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Craig here again. What a day. Release Day. You never know what it is going to bring around here. Craziness usually, but I like it that way. I usually come in early on release day and it is one of the few days in a year where I will get some breakfast from one of the cafeterias here.

Update Tuesday.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Hi everyone, Craig Gehre here, release manager for the MSRC. I wanted to briefly check in and let you know that the release has gone as scheduled and we have the following updates available: MS05-025 addresses a vulnerability in Microsoft Windows and has a maximum severity rating of “Critical.” MS05-026 addresses a vulnerability in Microsoft Windows and has a maximum severity rating of “Critical.

Advance Notification and introduction to release manager Craig

Thursday, June 09, 2005

MSRC’s Release Manager Craig Gehre here. I’ll write first about what you probably care most about today, then on to who I am and why I’m the newest blogger on this site. This morning we posted the advance notification for next Tuesday’s bulletin release: 7 bulletins affecting Windows. The maximum severity rating for these security updates is Critical and some will require a restart.

Aching feet, German beer and security update deployment

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

For attendees and staff alike, TechEd is a busy place with long hours, aching backs and sore feet - but worth it! I have spent every second that our stand has been open meeting with our customers - and what a variety there is! We might learn the experiences of a home user with Windows Update one minute, then discuss the issues facing a 200,000 seat world-wide deployment the next.

Booth duty...

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I spent all day yesterday manning the MSRC Cabana and Security Guidance Booth. Between Stephen’s voice looping on the MSRC videorunning in the Cabana, and Simon’s funky accent saying “What can I tell you about the MSRC?” to every passer-by, I was so happy last night to be in the silence of my hotel room.

Thoughts on Steve Ballmer's keynote

Monday, June 06, 2005

Wow, oh wow. It’s always a pleasure to see Steve Ballmer speak, and it’s a greater privilege to be here at Tech Ed 2005 supporting the great things he noted in his keynote. I’ve seen Bill Gates speak many times, but other than some internal presentations to employees I’ve never gotten a chance to see Steve speak to our customers live.