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Microsoft Security Response Center Blog

Questions about Vulnerability Claim in Windows Media Player

Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy holidays to everyone. While it’s been a snowy holiday season for us in the Pacific Northwest (some of us are still snowed in), the MSRC never closes and we are always working to help keep customers safe. In that vein, we’ve received some questions about a vulnerability report that was initially posted late on Christmas eve.

Windows Media Player crash not exploitable for code execution

Monday, December 29, 2008

On Christmas Day, the MSRC opened a case tracking a Bugtraq-posted POC describing a “malformed WAV,SND,MID file which can lead to a remote integer overflow”. By Saturday evening, we saw reputable internet sources claiming this bug could lead to executing arbitrary code on the system. We investigated right away and found that this bug cannot be leveraged for arbitrary code execution.

Tuesday 12/23 Update: Microsoft Security Advisory 961040

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Hello, Bill here, I want to provide you with a quick update regarding our recently released security advisory. In the advisory we provide a workaround to help customers protect themselves from attackers trying to exploit this vulnerability. Customers have told us that it’s helpful when we provide information and guidance on how to automate the deployment of workarounds, so we have taken this a step further and worked with the SQL Engineering Team to providing Enterprise and Business Users a script that applies the workaround on all running instances of SQL Server on the local computer.

Microsoft Security Advisory 961040

Monday, December 22, 2008

Hello, Bill here, I wanted to let you know that we have just posted Microsoft Security Advisory (961040). This advisory contains information regarding public reports of a vulnerability in SQL Server that could allow for remote code execution. We are aware that exploit code has been published on the Internet; however, we are not aware of any attacks attempting to use the reported vulnerability.

More information about the SQL stored procedure vulnerability

Monday, December 22, 2008

Security Advisory 961040 provides mitigations and workarounds for a newly-public post-authentication heap buffer overrun in SQL Server, MSDE, and SQL Express. This blog post goes into more detail about the attack surface for each affected version and the overall risk from this vulnerability. As listed in the advisory, the following products have the vulnerable code:

MS08-078 Released

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Hello, Mike here, Today we released security update MS08-078, protecting customers from active attacks against Internet Explorer. This update will be applied automatically to hundreds of millions of customers through automatic updates over the next few days. And, for our enterprise customers - with multiple systems within their networks – this update can be deployed through all standard security update management systems including, SCCM, SMS, WSUS, and Windows Update as of 10AM PST today.

Advance Notification for December 2008 Out-of-Band Release

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hi this is Christopher Budd, We’ve just published our Advance Notification for an out-of-band security bulletin release. We plan to release the security update tomorrow, Dec. 17, 2008 to address the vulnerability we’ve discussed in Microsoft Security Advisory 961051. Our target time, as always, is 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time. We’ll be holding two special webcasts to give you details and take your questions.

Clarification on the various workarounds from the recent IE advisory

Friday, December 12, 2008

Today Microsoft revised the Workarounds section of Security Advisory 961051. We wanted to share more detail about the vulnerability and explain the additional workarounds here to help you protect your computers. Information about the vulnerability The vulnerability is caused by memory corruption resulting from the way Internet Explorer handles DHTML Data Bindings.

Friday update for Microsoft Security Advisory 961051

Friday, December 12, 2008

Hi this is Christopher Budd, I wanted to give you a quick update on a couple of new things today related to Microsoft Security Advisory 961051. We’ve made another revision to the advisory today. Our research teams are working around the clock to help identify better, more effective workarounds to give customers more options to evaluate and we’ve updated the advisory with the latest information from their research.

Microsoft Security Advisory 961051 Updated

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hello, This is Christopher Budd, We’ve just posted a revision to Microsoft Security Advisory (961051) with the latest information from our ongoing work around this issue. While the known attacks are only targeting Internet Explorer 7, we have found that the underlying vulnerability affects all currently supported versions of Internet Explorer.