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Questions about last Tuesday’s Release and Skype

Monday, August 20, 2007

Hello everyone this is Christopher Budd. We’ve been getting questions from customers about a posting that Skype made today about a recent service outage they experienced on August 16, 2007. Specifically, we have questions from customers looking for clarification about the role Windows Update and this month’s release played in that situation, if any.

August 2007 Monthly Bulletin Release

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

August 2007 Monthly Bulletin Release I’m Simon, Release Manager in the MSRC. The August release contains 9 new bulletins, 6 of which have maximum severities of “Critical”. MS07-042 Vulnerability in Microsoft XML Core Services Could Allow Remote Code Execution (936227) MS07-043 Vulnerability in OLE Automation Could Allow Remote Code Execution (921503)

August 2007 Bulletin Release Advance Notification

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Hello, This is Christopher Budd. Today, August 9, 2007 is the Thursday before the scheduled August bulletin release day, August 14, 2007. As we do each month, today we’ve posted our Advance Notification for the August 2007 release. Next Tuesday, we’re currently planning to release nine security bulletins: · Six Microsoft Security Bulletins affecting Microsoft Windows with a Maximum Severity rating of Critical.

Coming Soon: MSRC and Microsoft at BlackHat Las Vegas 2007

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Hey, Andrew Cushman here. It’s that time of year again. The kids are out of school, most folks are planning for that August vacation, and the MSRC (and Microsoft) are headed to Vegas for Black Hat. This year’s event will be a new experience for me. Although I’ve been to lots of Black Hat conferences – this is the first time I go wearing both hats of director of MSRC and director of outreach to the security community.

July 2007 Monthly Bulletin Release

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

July 2007 Monthly Release Hello everyone, This is Christopher Budd and I wanted to let you know that we’ve posted our bulletins for the July 2007 monthly release. This month, we’ve released six new bulletins. Three of these have a maximum severity of Critical MS07-036: This security update resolves three vulnerabilities that could allow remote code execution if a user opens a specially crafted Excel file.

July 2007 Bulletin Release Advance Notification

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Hello, This is Christopher Budd. Today, July 5, 2007 is the Thursday before the scheduled July bulletin release day, July 10, 2007. As we do each month, today we’ve posted our Advance Notification for the July 2007 release. Next Tuesday, we’re currently planning to release six security bulletins: · Three Microsoft Security Bulletins affecting Microsoft Windows with a Maximum Severity rating of Critical.

June 2007 Monthly Security Bulletin Release

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I’m Simon, Release Manager in the MSRC. The June security release also marks 1 year for me here, so I figured it was high time that I should take my turn posting. June’s release contains 6 new bulletins, 4 of which have maximum severities of “Critical”. MS07-030 Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Visio Could Allow Remote Code Execution (927051) MS07-031 Vulnerability in the Windows Schannel Security Package Could Allow Remote Code Execution (935840) MS07-032 Vulnerability in Windows Vista Could Allow Information Disclosure (931213) MS07-033 Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (933566) MS07-034 Cumulative Security Update for Outlook Express and Windows Mail (929123) MS07-035 Vulnerability in Win 32 API Could Allow Remote Code Execution (935839) Additionally we are re-releasing two bulletins:

June 2007 Advance Notification

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Hello, Mark Griesi again. If it’s the Thursday before the 2nd Tuesday then it must be ANS day. And that must mean that we’ve posted our Advance Notification for June 2007. In it, we try to provide you with information about what we’re planning to release on Tuesday to help with your resource planning.

Two Advisories on Non-Security Updates

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Hello everyone, This is Christopher Budd. I wanted to let you know we’ve just posted a couple of Security Advisories related to important updates. We often use Security Advisories to let you know when we’re aware of security incidents that can affect customers. We also use Security Advisories to let you know about important information that can relate to your overall security.

New Detection Logic for May 8th Office 2007 Updates

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Hello there, Since this is my first post, I suppose a quick introduction is in order. I am Mark Griesi, a member of the Security Response Communications Team. My role on the team is much the same as my colleague Christopher Budd, who I know you are all familiar with.