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November 2012 Bulletin Release

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Security Updates Today we released six security bulletins to help protect our customers - four Critical, one Important, and one Moderate – addressing 19 vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows Shell, Windows Kernel, Internet Explorer, Internet Information Services (IIS), .NET Framework, and Excel. For those who need to prioritize deployment, we recommend focusing on these two Critical updates first:

Verifying update hashes

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Some of you may have noticed us improving our defense-in-depth practices for bulletins by supplying sha1 and sha2 hashes in the Knowledge Base (KB) articles. This has been most visible in the KB with the addition of the “File hash information” section, but it is also noted in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section of each bulletin for convenience.

Advance Notification Service for November 2012 Security Bulletin Release

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Today, we’re providing advance notification for six bulletins to help protect customers against 19 CVEs. The four Critical-rated updates will address 13 vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows, Internet Explorer and the .NET Framework. One bulletin rated Important will address four vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office and finally, one Moderate update will address two issues in Microsoft Windows.

Security Advisory 2755801 revised to address Adobe Flash Player issues (Nov. 6, 2012)

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Today, in conjunction with Adobe’s update process, we have revised Security Advisory 2755801 to address issues in Adobe Flash Player in Internet Explorer 10. Customers who have automatic updates enabled will not need to take any action because protections will be downloaded and installed automatically. Customers who do not use automatic updates should apply the guidance in the advisory immediately using update management software, or by checking the Microsoft Update service, to help ensure protection.

October 2012 Security Bulletin Webcast, Q&A, and Slide Deck

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Hello, Today we published the October Security Bulletin Webcast Questions & Answers page. During the webcast, we fielded five questions focusing primarily on Security Advisory 2661254 addressing trust certificates with RSA keys less than 1024 bit key lengths. One additional question was answered after the webcast. All questions are included on the Q&A page.

Welcome to the 1024-bit world and the October security updates

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

As previously mentioned in the Advance Notification blog on Thursday, today we’re releasing seven bulletins, one Critical-class and six Important-class bulletins. Before we discuss those releases, let’s take a closer look at the Security Advisories we also released today. Security Advisory 2661254 We began discussing this issue in June, and originally released this advisory in August.

Security Advisory 2755801 revised to address Adobe Flash Player issues

Monday, October 08, 2012

Today we revised Security Advisory 2755801 to address issues in Adobe Flash Player in Internet Explorer 10, in conjunction with Adobe’s update process. Customers who have automatic updates enabled will not need to take any action because protections will be downloaded and installed automatically. Customers who do not use automatic updates should apply the guidance in the advisory immediately using update management software, or by checking the Microsoft Update service, to help ensure protection.

Advance Notification Service for October 2012 Security Bulletin Release

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Today we’re providing advance notification of the release of seven bulletins, one Critical and six Important, which address 20 vulnerabilities for October 2012. The Critical bulletin addresses vulnerabilities in Microsoft Word. The six Important-rated bulletins will address issues in Windows, Microsoft Office, and SQL Server. This release will also address the issue in FAST Search Server first described in Security Advisory 2737111.

September 2012 Out-of-Band Security Bulletin Webcast, Q&A, and Slide Deck

Monday, September 24, 2012

Hello. Today we’re publishing the September 2012 Security Bulletin Out-of-Band Webcast Questions & Answers page. During the webcast, we fielded 19 questions. Those were focused on MS12-063, the out-of-band cumulative release for Internet Explorer, and Security Advisory 2755801, which involves an issue with the Adobe Flash Player implementation for Internet Explorer 10.

Microsoft releases MS12-063 – Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer

Friday, September 21, 2012

Today we released Security Update MS12-063 to address limited attacks against a small number of computers through a vulnerability in Internet Explorer versions 9 and earlier. The majority of customers have automatic updates enabled and will not need to take any action because protections will be downloaded and installed automatically. For those manually updating, we encourage you to apply this update as quickly as possible.