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January 2013 Security Bulletin Webcast, Q&A, and Slide Deck

Friday, January 11, 2013

Today we’re publishing the January2013 Security Bulletin Webcast Questions & Answers page. During the webcast, we fielded 12 questions focusing primarily on the Print Spooler (MS12-001) and .NET Framework (MS13-004) updates. All questions are included on the Q&A page. We invite our customers to join us for the next scheduled webcast on Wednesday, February 13th at 11 a.

Predictions and the January 2013 Bulletin Release

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

At the end of each year, some folks take a moment to jot down predictions about what the coming year has in store. I, on the other hand, do not do predictions. I am neither prognosticator, seer, fortune teller, prophet, clairvoyant, soothsayer, nor medium; although I have been accused of being a thaumaturge and security gnome, but only in good ways, of course.

Security Advisory 2798897 released, Certificate Trust List updated

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Hello, Today we released Security Advisory 2798897 to notify customers that we are aware of active attacks using a fraudulent digital certificate issued by TURKTRUST Inc. To help protect customers, we have updated the Certificate Trust List (CTL) to remove the trust of the certificates causing this issue, and we encourage customers follow the guidance in Security Advisory 2798897.

Microsoft Releases Security Advisory 2794220

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Today, we released Security Advisory 2794220 regarding an issue that impacts Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8. We are only aware of a very small number of targeted attacks at this time. This issue allows remote code execution if users browse to a malicious website with an affected browser. This would typically occur by an attacker convincing someone to click a link in an email or instant message.

December 2012 Security Bulletin Webcast, Q&A, and Slide Deck

Monday, December 17, 2012

Hello, Today we’re publishing the December 2012 Security Bulletin Webcast Questions & Answers page. During the webcast, we fielded five questions focusing primarily on Microsoft Word and the Office compatibility pack in MS12-079. All questions are included on the Q&A page. We invite our customers to join us for the next public webcast on Wednesday, January 9th at 11 a.

It’s That Time of Year, For the December 2012 Bulletin Release

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Happy holidays! I hope everyone is enjoying the festive season. I like to get my holiday shopping done early, and this year was no exception. In the middle of my holiday shopping last week, as I passed my cash from one store to the next, I was reminded of “Pass-the-Hash.” (My mind does tend to wander a bit as I shop.

November 2012 Security Bulletin Webcast, Q&A, and Slide Deck

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Hello, Today we’re publishing the November 2012 Security Bulletin Webcast Questions & Answers page. During the webcast, we fielded ten questions focusing primarily Windows RT, Windows 8, and Windows Server 2012 detection and deployment, MS12-072 (Windows Shell), and MS12-073 (IIS). All questions are included on the Q&A page. We invite our customers to join us for the next public webcast on Wednesday, December 12th at 11 a.