[AD管理者向け] 2020 年 LDAP 署名と LDAP チャネルバインディングが有効化。確認を!
Wednesday, October 02, 2019
こんにちは、セキュリティ レスポンスチームの垣内ゆりかです。 2019 年 8 月に公開したセキュリティ アドバイザリ
Wednesday, October 02, 2019
こんにちは、セキュリティ レスポンスチームの垣内ゆりかです。 2019 年 8 月に公開したセキュリティ アドバイザリ
Monday, September 30, 2019
Azure IoT Edge is an open source, cross platform software project from the Azure IoT team at Microsoft that seeks to solve the problem of managing distribution of compute to the edge of your on-premise network from the cloud. This post explains some of the rationale behind our choice of Rust as the implementation programming language for the Security Daemon component in the product.
Monday, September 23, 2019
The Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) works with partners all over the world to protect Microsoft customers. This week we’re headed to the Philippines to meet security researchers and bounty hunters at ROOTCON 13! Planning on attending ROOTCON? If you want to learn more about how you can earn rewards for reporting vulnerabilities to Microsoft bounty programs, you have two ways to connect with us there:
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
We couldn’t do BlueHat without the Content Advisory Board, the brain trust reviewing submissions to the CFP. Representing both Microsoft and other parts of security community, the CAB applies their industry and speaker experience to create the BlueHat agenda that’s the right mix of topics and perspectives. We really appreciate the time these people take to review every submission and find the right talks.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Exciting changes are coming to BlueHat Seattle 2019! If you’d like to attend this premier security conference, we have good news for you: registration for BlueHat Seattle is now open and we hope you register. Wait, isn’t BlueHat invitation-only? It is…but if we haven’t sent you an invitation, we encourage you to request a seat.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
In the past year we invested a lot of time making Hyper-V research more accessible to everyone. Our first blog post, “First Steps in Hyper-V Research”, describes the tools and setup for debugging the hypervisor and examines the interesting attack surfaces of the virtualization stack components. We then published “Fuzzing para-virtualized devices in Hyper-V”, which has been the focus of our friends at the Virtualization Security Team.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
2019 年 9 月 11 日 (日本時間)、マイクロソフトは以下のソフトウェアのセキュリティ更新プログラムを公開しまし
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
We have released the September security updates to provide additional protections against malicious attackers. As a best practice, we encourage customers to turn on automatic updates. More information about this month’s security updates can be found in the Security Update Guide. As a reminder, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 will be out of extended support and no longer receiving updates as of January 14, 2020.
Tuesday, September 03, 2019
In a previous post we described some of the differences between on-premises/physical forensics and cyber investigations and those performed in the cloud, and how this can make cloud forensics challenging. That blog post described a method of creating and maintaining a VM image which can be distributed to multiple regions, allowing you to deploy this pre-prepared machine to be used in an investigation in a matter of minutes.
Tuesday, September 03, 2019
2019 has seen a phenomenal BlueHatIL in February followed by a wildly successful BlueHat Shanghai in May… now it’s time to come back home for BlueHat Seattle! 2 days of hands-on technical training (October 22-23, 2019) 2 days of conference talks from industry-leading security researchers and cyber defenders (October 24-25, 2019) great creative spaces ready to spark thought-provoking conversations and collaborative partnerships The Call for Papers (CFP) for BlueHat Seattle 2019 is now open through September 20, 2019.