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Calling all breakers & builders: BlueHat Seattle registration is open!

Exciting changes are coming to BlueHat Seattle 2019! If you’d like to attend this premier security conference, we have good news for you: registration for BlueHat Seattle is now open and we hope you register.

Wait, isn’t BlueHat invitation-only? It is…but if we haven’t sent you an invitation, we encourage you to request a seat. Visit our registration site and tell us a little bit about yourself. We’re reviewing all application requests and will send a confirmation if you are selected.

  • The BlueHat conference team is creating an engaging two-day agenda to provide a set of noteworthy and diverse talks. We’ve gotten some incredible talk submissions focused on emerging threats and the latest in security solutions and innovations.
  • We’re moving off campus to the SoDo region of Seattle, hosting talks and trainings in uniquely Seattle spaces.
  • Attendees will also have a chance to engage with industry experts in both offensive and defensive security.
  • We’ve got a great training lineup! We’re offering trainings in IoT hacking, graph security, and memory-safe systems development with Rust. We’re also happy to host five separate BlackHoodie trainings for women in cybersecurity, covering malware reverse engineering, web application security, Ghidra, purple teaming and bypassing ARM exploit mitigations.

Note: Sign up for the IoT hacking, Rust, and graph security trainings at the event registration site. You can sign up for the BlackHoodie trainings here.

Key Dates & Info

We hope you join us; it’s going to be an amazing four days.

Laura Wolf, Senior Program Manager, MSRC

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