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Standing behind “MSRC Listens”

Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Last week at BlueHat’s “MSRC Listens” session, I took the stage with Mechele Gruhn, manager of the Vulnerability Response PM team, to explain how MSRC is changing our communication, workflows, and tooling to deliver an improved user experience for our partners in the security research community. We promised to communicate more about what’s happening in the MSRC that affects our customers and research partners.

Behind BlueHat: The Art

Monday, September 24, 2018

We are just one day away from the opening of BlueHat v18 and excitement is building. One of the questions that I have gotten more frequently the past couple years is about the artwork we use for BlueHat. So yes there is a theme. 😊 Starting in 2014, we introduced the Top Hat logo which the community took to.

Microsoft Security Servicing Criteria for Windows

Monday, September 10, 2018

One of our goals in the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) is to be more transparent with security researchers and our customers on the criteria we use for determining when we intend to address a reported vulnerability through a security update. Our belief is that improving transparency on this topic helps provide clarity on how we assess risk, sets expectations for the types of vulnerabilities that we intend to service, and facilitates constructive dialogue as the threat landscape evolves over time.