ユーザーを守る上でのセキュリティ サイエンスの効果
Thursday, October 03, 2013
本記事は、 Microsoft Security Blog のブログ “ ** The Impact of Security Science in Protecting Customers ** ” (2013 年 7 月\ ** 25 日公開 ) を翻訳した記事です。 Trustworthy Computing 部門は
Thursday, October 03, 2013
本記事は、 Microsoft Security Blog のブログ “ ** The Impact of Security Science in Protecting Customers ** ” (2013 年 7 月\ ** 25 日公開 ) を翻訳した記事です。 Trustworthy Computing 部門は
Wednesday, October 02, 2013
皆さん、こんにちは!日本マイクロソフトのセキュリティチームの新メンバーのモーリスと申します。 昨今、イ
Wednesday, October 02, 2013
Today we’re providing advance notification for the release of eight bulletins, four Critical and four Important, for October 2013. The Critical updates address vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer, .NET Framework and Windows. The Critical update for Internet Explorer will be a cumulative update which will address the publicly disclosed issue described in Security Advisory 2887505.
Tuesday, October 01, 2013
Introduction One of the oldest forms of memory safety exploitation is that of stack corruption vulnerabilities, with several early high-profile exploits being of this type. It seems fitting therefore to kick off this Software Defense series by looking at the status of software defense today with respect to this age-old problem.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Software Defense is a broad topic requiring a multipronged approach including: - the processes and tooling associated with secure development (that we try and encapsulate within the Microsoft SDL), - core OS countermeasures that make exploitation of a given vulnerability more difficult for an attacker, - steps to secure the hardware on which the software runs,
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Today, we released a Fix it workaround tool to address a new IE vulnerability that had been actively exploited in extremely limited, targeted attacks. This Fix it makes a minor modification to mshtml.dll when it is loaded in memory to address the vulnerability. This Fix it workaround tool is linked fromSecurity Advisory 2887505 that describes this issue.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
<2013/10/09 追記> 本セキュリティ アドバイザリで説明している脆弱性に対処するため、セキュリティ情報 MS13-080 を発行
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Today we released Security Advisory 2887505 regarding an issue that affects Internet Explorer. There are only reports of a limited number of targeted attacks specifically directed at Internet Explorer 8 and 9, although the issue could potentially affect all supported versions. This issue could allow remote code execution if an affected system browses to a website containing malicious content directed towards the specific browser type.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Today we’re publishing the September 2013 Security Bulletin Webcast Questions & Answers page. The majority of questions focused on Office bulletins, especially SharePoint Server (MS13-067). We received multiple Office related questions that were very similar in nature, so the questions have been merged, as applicable, with consolidated answers provided. We were able to answer six questions on air, and those we did not have time for have been included on the Q&A page.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
2013 年 9 月 11 日にリリースしましたセキュリティ情報 MS13-072 Microsoft Office の脆弱性により、リモートでコードが実行される (2845537), MS13-073