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MAPP Update: Taking Action to Decrease Risk of Information Disclosure

During our investigation into the disclosure of confidential data shared with our Microsoft Active Protections Program (MAPP) partners, we determined that a member of the MAPP program, Hangzhou DPTech Technologies Co., Ltd., had breached our non-disclosure agreement (NDA). Microsoft takes breaches of our NDAs very seriously and has removed this partner from the MAPP Program.

Additionally, starting with our May release, we strengthened existing controls and took actions to better protect our information. We believe that these enhancements will better protect our information, while furthering customer protection by aiding partners developing active protections. For an in-depth look at how MAPP provides a critical head-start to defenders, while working to minimize risk, please read this blog by the MAPP team.

Yunsun Wee
Microsoft Trustworthy Computing

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