アドバイザリ 2607712 更新 – DigiNotar 社のデジタル証明書を削除する更新プログラムを公開
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
[2011/09/20 追記] マイクロソフトは、すべてのサポートされているリリースの Microsoft Windows に対して、DigiNotar の 11 個
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
[2011/09/20 追記] マイクロソフトは、すべてのサポートされているリリースの Microsoft Windows に対して、DigiNotar の 11 個
Monday, September 05, 2011
既に多くの記事や MMPC Blog (1, 2) でも取り上げられているので、ご存知の方も多いと思いますが、リモート デスクトッ
Sunday, September 04, 2011
This blog post was updated Sept. 5, 2011 below. Microsoft’s investigation into the scope and impact of the DigiNotar compromise has continued over the holiday weekend. We’ve now confirmed that spoofed certificates for *.microsoft.com and *.windowsupdate.com are among those issued by the Dutch firm. Users of Vista and later operating systems have been protected since we released Security Advisory 2607712 on August 29.
Sunday, September 04, 2011
Last week, we released Security Advisory 2607712, notifying customers that fraudulent digital certificates had been issued by certificate authority DigiNotar. We’d like to follow up on that notification in this blog post by explaining more about the potential risks and actions you can take to protect yourself from any potential attacks that would leverage those fraudulent certificates.
Thursday, September 01, 2011
先週、Windows Phone 7.5 を搭載したスマートフォンが発売されました。米国本社に出張に行った際に、MSR
Monday, August 29, 2011
Today we’re releasing Security Advisory 2607712, to address at least one fraudulent digital certificate issued by DigiNotar, a root certificate authority. DigiNotar has since revoked the digital certificate. This is not a Microsoft security vulnerability; however, the certificate potentially affects Internet users attempting to access websites belonging to Google. A fraudulent certificate may be used to spoof Web content, perform phishing attacks or perform man-in-the-middle attacks against end users.
Monday, August 29, 2011
[2011/09/20 追記] マイクロソフトは、すべてのサポートされているリリースの Microsoft Windows に対して、DigiNotar の 11 個
Monday, August 22, 2011
去る 2011 年 8 月 4 日~ 7 日、米ラスベガスで世界最大のハッカーの祭典「DEFCON (デフコン)」が開かれた
Monday, August 15, 2011
2008 年に発足した Microsoft Active Protections Program (MAPP) というプログラムをご存じでしょうか。MAPP は、マイクロソフトの月例セキュリ
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Hello, Today we published the August Security Bulletin Webcast Questions & Answers page. We fielded six questions on various topics during the webcast, including bulletins released and the Malicious Software Removal Tool. There was one question that we were unable to answer during the webcast due to time constraints, and we have included all questions and answers on the Q&A page.