SSL/TLS の脆弱性に関するセキュリティ アドバイザリ 2588513 を公開
Monday, September 26, 2011
本日、SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) 3.0 および TLS (Transport Layer Security) 1.0 の脆弱性について説明したマイクロソフト セキュリティ アドバイザリ 2588513
Monday, September 26, 2011
本日、SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) 3.0 および TLS (Transport Layer Security) 1.0 の脆弱性について説明したマイクロソフト セキュリティ アドバイザリ 2588513
Monday, September 19, 2011
Today, Microsoft re-released KB2616676 non-security update for customers using Microsoft Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, which addresses an issue described in the “known issues” section of KB2616676. Customers who have enabled automatic updates are already protected and no further action is required, and others are recommended to download the cumulative version of the KB2616676 to protect themselves from the fraudulent certificates listed in Security Advisory 2607712.
Monday, September 19, 2011
マイクロソフトは、不正なデジタル署名の問題に関して、アドバイザリ 2607712 やブログ(1,2)を公開し情報提供
Friday, September 16, 2011
Hello, Today we published the September Security Bulletin Webcast Questions & Answers page. We fielded 15 questions primarily regarding the Diginotar Certificate compromise and the associated Security Advisory. There was one question that we were unable to answer during the webcast due to time constraints, and we have included all questions and answers on the Q&A page.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
先週の事前通知でお伝えした通り、セキュリティ情報 計 5 件 ( 重要 5 件) を公開しました。9 月は、Windo
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
皆さん、こんにちは!今月のマイクロソフトワンポイントセキュリティ情報担当者です。 先ほど 9 月のマイクロ
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
In an effort to protect customers, last week we released Security Advisory 2607712 along with a non-security update to add fraudulent DigiNotar certificates to the Windows Untrusted Certificate Store. Today, we are releasing another update (2616676), adding six additional DigiNotar root certificates that are cross-signed by Entrust and GTE, to the Untrusted Certificate Store.
Thursday, September 08, 2011
2011 年 9 月 14 日に予定している月例のセキュリティ リリースについてのお知らせです。 来週水曜日に公開を予定し
Thursday, September 08, 2011
Hello everyone, As we do each month, we’re providing advanced notification on the release of five Important security bulletins, addressing 15 vulnerabilities, to help protect customers using Microsoft Windows and Office. As usual, the bulletin release is scheduled for the second Tuesday of the month, September 13, at approximately 10 a.
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
Today we’re updating Security Advisory 2607712, to announce that based on our investigation, we’ve deemed all DigiNotar certificates to be untrustworthy and have moved them to the Untrusted Certificate Store. Additionally, we have extended our support with this update so all customers using Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and all Windows supported third-party applications are protected.