Hello everyone,
As we do each month, we’re providing advanced notification on the release of five Important security bulletins, addressing 15 vulnerabilities, to help protect customers using Microsoft Windows and Office. As usual, the bulletin release is scheduled for the second Tuesday of the month, September 13, at approximately 10 a.m. PDT.
Additionally, I wanted to let you know that in order to facilitate localization, Microsoft has enhanced its URL pattern for all security bulletins. Now all TechNet pages, including security bulletins, advisories and MSVR advisories, use new URLs.
The new URL pattern for bulletins will be: http://technet.microsoft.com/security/bulletin/msyy-xxx
If available, the appropriate localized version of a page will render automatically, based on the local machine’s language settings. Microsoft has also started redirecting access to pages with the old URL pattern to the new pages with the new URL pattern.
For all the latest information, you can also follow the MSRC team on Twitter at @MSFTSecResponse.
Pete Voss,
Sr. Response Communications Manager
Microsoft Trustworthy Computing
Microsoft inadvertently displayed draft text of September’s bulletin summary, five bulletins, and a security advisory update intended for release on Tuesday, Sept. 13. The draft text was removed as soon as the issue was discovered. We are not aware of any customer impact and are monitoring the issue.
For information on the bulletins to be released on Sept. 13, please see Microsoft’s Advanced Notification.