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Month Archives: February 2009

Constants and Change

Monday, February 02, 2009

Microsoft has been talking about community-based defense for some time now. This week, I want to provide a personal dimension to the campaign, and give an update on recent activities. Curiously, as I started to write this post, a couple of phrases popped up, which despite being somewhat trite, seemed appropriate – “change is constant” and “the more things change the more they stay the same.

Expanding Horizons

Monday, February 02, 2009

The original Security Vulnerability Research & Defense (SVRD) blog was launched in 2007, with the intent of providing more information about vulnerabilities in Microsoft software, mitigations and workarounds and active attacks. The blog is now expanding its focus a bit (and changing its name slightly), to include postings contributed by the Microsoft Security Engineering Center (MSEC) Security Science team.

Preventing the Exploitation of Structured Exception Handler (SEH) Overwrites with SEHOP

Monday, February 02, 2009

One of the responsibilities of Microsoft’s Security Engineering Center is to investigate defense in depth techniques that can be used to make it harder for attackers to successfully exploit a software vulnerability. These techniques are commonly referred to as exploit mitigations and have been delivered to users in the form of features like /GS, Data Execution Prevention (DEP), and Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR).