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Month Archives: May 2020

Solving Uninitialized Stack Memory on Windows

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

This blog post outlines the work that Microsoft is doing to eliminate uninitialized stack memory vulnerabilities from Windows and why we’re on this path. This blog post will be broken down into a few parts that folks can jump to: Uninitialized Memory Background Potential Solutions to Uninitialized Memory Vulnerabilities InitAll – Automatic Initialization Interesting Findings with InitAll Performance Optimizations Impact for Customers Forward Looking Plans None of this work would have been possible without close partnership between the Visual Studio organization, the Windows organization, and MSRC.

Azure Sphere Security Research Challenge Now Open

Tuesday, May 05, 2020

The Azure Sphere Security Research Challenge is an expansion of Azure Security Lab, announced at Black Hat in August 2019. At that time, a select group of talented researchers was invited to come and do their worst, emulating criminal hackers in a customer-safe cloud environment. This new research challenge aims to spark new high impact security research in Azure Sphere, a comprehensive IoT security solution delivering end to end security across hardware, OS and the cloud.